Rachel's Story
In April 2019, Rachel Hunger was a transfer student in her junior year at the University of New Hampshire. One evening, while dining out with friends, Rachel consumed a food which contained peanut paste and suffered an anaphylactic reaction which led to cardiac arrest. After 15 minutes of CPR, the emergency room staff was able to revive her, but the damage to her brain was too severe. On May 8th, after 19 days in the hospital, and the day after her 21st birthday, Rachel was taken off life support.
In the wake of Rachel's death, so many people shared memories of a time when she made a difference in their life through her humor and kindness. So many stories were gifted to us--each a small miracle in and of itself. So many kindnesses. It gave us a chance to see our girl as we never would have known her had she lived.
Be The Miracle is inspired by the time we spent praying for a miracle. Praying that our girl would wake up, would recover. That we could keep her. While we waited, small miracles were happening. A series of things to be grateful for. By changing how we define a miracle, we can then see them all around us. Moreover, we can create them for others. If we only stop to look, there are opportunities all around us through which we can impact others--to 'be the miracle'.
"Over the 19 days sitting at the hospital, we prayed for a miracle. While we were not given the miracle we were praying for, we were given a series of small miracles. It was all about perspective. We felt grateful for so many things."

~ Jennifer Hunger

Help Share Life's Miracles

"When we match compassion with purpose, we begin to conquer the world."